Friday, November 22, 2013

Reflections of Genesis 1...

So today I started reading the Old Testament of the Bible after finishing the New Testament a while ago.
So while Genesis 1 is well known as the creation story of the world, I thought about the words in it my thoughts focused a lot on how everything that is made in the world is "good". The light, the sky, waters, land, vegetation, the birds, the beasts and the fish in the sea - they are all "good". Humans too, are good...

But it is only when everything is put together and completed that the world is described as "very good".

So today I felt really blessed. Everything around me was good. The dogs walking by their owners - they were good, the trees dropping yellow and red leaves - they were good, the pavement I walked, the air that I breathed, the rain that fell, the sun that was hidden behind cloud - they were good, the people that I talked to - they were good. And together, they were very good - they are very good. We live in a world that is so in balance, so perfectly made, and for that I am thankful.

And our perfect, very good world, is something that we have a duty to take care of. For Christians like myself, it's because that's the commission that God gave to Adam - to be a steward of the world. For those who aren't, it's because there is no place in the universe like the world.

So have a great day, and take some time to appreciate all that is "good" around you, and see that everything in the world in harmony, is "very good"

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